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The Mansa Central Cooperative Bank Ltd; Mansa was registered on 25.02.1992 after the creation of new district Mansa in the state of Punjab. Bank has 22 branches spread across the Mansa District with Head Office situated in the city of Mansa. Bank caters to the banking needs of the people by meeting credit needs ranging from short term agriculture loans to business loans. A total of 113 Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies are associated with the bank catering to agriculture inputs and daily commodities need of rural folks.
The objectives of the Bank are to facilitate the operations of the affiliated Co-operative Societies. In pursuance of this object, the Bank may undertake the following activities:-
(i) To carry on banking and credit business.
(ii) To provide credit facilities to its members on as convenient and easy terms as practicable.
(iii) To encourage thrift and savings amongst its members by offering suitable facilities.
(iv) To make arrangements for supervision and inspection of its affiliated Co-operative Societies and
(v) To undertake such measures as are conducive to the spread of Co-operative education and training.